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  1. Dette blir bra - takker og bukker
  2. Hei! Samme feil som du rapporterte.
  3. Funker her også👍
  4. Hadde som guttunge mange flyturer med Fjellfly fra Fornebu til Geiteryggen på 60-tallet. Har en fetter som nå opererer der med Dolphin for Russian Warbirds. Geiteryggen slik den ser ut i MSFS er lite i samsvar med originalen. Håper noen har lyst på å forbarme seg over dette prosjektet - har dessverre ikke kompetanse til å gjøre dette selv😎
  5. Samme her. Googlet og fant følgene forslag til løsning på Avsim forum fra wthomas33065: ISSUE: With the release Patch version it has been reported that the Content Manager screen may lock up with a frozen circle indicator and will not display any installed modules. ROOT CAUSE: This is most likely caused by a incorrectly formatted manifest.json file located in one of the addon packages in community. IDENTIFYING AFFECTED CONTENT: 1. Empty all content out of the the community folder, and put it in another folder on your HDD or SSD. 2. Launch MSFS and go to Profile/Content Manager section. Verify you can see installed modules. 3. Exit Flight Simulator 4. Copy one or more folders back into the community folder 5. Repeat steps 2-4 above until you notice that Content Manager locks up. 6. Using the process of elimination, Isolate the recently added content from the Community folder until all suspect add on folders are identified and copied out of the community folder. CORRECTING BAD FILES 1. Open the manifest.json file in a known good add on folder with a text editor like notepad or notepad ++, Open the manifest json file of a known affected add on with a text editor like notepad or notepad ++ 2. Compare both files for formatting. Make sure comma's are where they are supposed to be. Make sure there are the correct number of open and closed parenthesis. 3. Correct the affected manifest..json file so that it matches the format of the good file. Save the changes. 4. Place corrected add on directory back into community directory and make sure that Content Manager modules are visible. Verify new add on appears in the Content Manger 5. Repeat the above steps for all remaining identified addon packages. Edited 13 hours ago by wthomas33065 Har ikke fått tid til å teste dette selv ennå - men kan være verdt et forsøk.