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Alt skrevet av marc2990

  1. marc2990 svarte i marc2990s innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Hi Geir Most of us belong the the FSCB Belgian Flight Simulator Club, but our Thursday VFR fly-inns are more an informal friends meeting. We try to take things seriously but we also have a lot of fun during our "touristic" tours. Cheers Marcel
  2. marc2990 svarte i marc2990s innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Hello Robert This is great stuff. Exactly the thing I was looking for. It's enough to fill 5 to 6 of our VFR flights. I am sure my pilots will go bananas if I present this to them. If I can do something back for you, pls tell me. I have quite a nice archive of VFR flights by now. And if you and/or your fellow pilots want to bring in some extra stuff, you are always welcome. Thank you very much. Marcel
  3. marc2990 svarte i marc2990s innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Thank you Magnus I think everybody has FTX Norway by now. But it is such an extended country. It is hard for some one from outside to know where the real spectacular spots are. Even for me who has been visiting Norway quite a lot (I used to be director at Dovre peisen). I do have a csv file with POI's of Orbx Norway (imported in plan G), but they mostly concentrate on the stave churches and the bridges. You have no idea about where I could find some interesting tour plans or equivalents? Thanks Marcel
  4. marc2990 la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Hello We are a group of belgian VFR pilots. Every week we make a group flight in a different part of (mostly) Europe. We always ask local flightsim clubs if they can help us with flights or tours that are worth flying in their country. Challenging airports, scenic flights, beautiful landscapes, interesting buildings or other constructions, everything is on our program. At this time we are thinking about coming for a virtual visit to Norway. Would you be so kind to help us out with where to fly? All information is welcome, but PLN files for Plan G would be super...! Thanks. Marcel