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  1. samipuro la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Hi all, Finnair has today presented their new company look and new aircraft liveries. They have used my v.4.0 A321 in this project, and the A321 v.4.0 model in new livery is now exclusively available from Flight Simulator Nordic. http://www.fsnordic.net/'>http://www.fsnordic.net/"'>http://www.fsnordic.net/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.fsnordic.net/ More images can be viewed from Finnair's website: http://www.finnair.fi" TARGET=_blank>www.finnair.fi or http://www.finnair.com" TARGET=_blank>www.finnair.com Sami ------------------ Sami http://www.fsnordic.net/
  2. I'm not a member of the scenery team so I don't know the details.. you better ask at FS Nordic's forum where you can reach the authors. ------------------ Sami http://www.fsnordic.net/
  3. Hi, The Finland 3 scenery has been canceled ages ago. But there's a new scenery, Finland 2000, coming.. You can check the exclusive preview from FS Nordic. http://www.fsnordic.net/'>http://www.fsnordic.net/"'>http://www.fsnordic.net/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.fsnordic.net/ Looks promising.. Public beta of EFHK airport is also available. ------------------ -- Sami http://www.fsnordic.net/