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Håvard Solvang

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Alt skrevet av Håvard Solvang

  1. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    We have two brand new Lock On screenshots for you today, featuring the Su-34, flying along a coast line. We also have a first look at some of the ground units found in Lock On, specifically two German armored vehicles http://www.lo-mac.com/screenshots.php [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  2. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Ta en titt på dette ! http://zzz.com.ru/index.html [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  3. Nå ligger Real Flight G2 inne på PC`n. Det er ikke tvil om at den er meget realistisk, jeg moser flyene i bakken like kjapt som i virkeligheten :-) [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  4. http://www.tru-flite.co.uk/Default.htm http://www.easyfly.de/ http://www.realflight.com/index.html [image]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/image]
  5. Etter å ha sett testen på Real Flight G2 i Modell Aeroplan News, er jeg overbevist om at det er simulatorn jeg kommer til å kjøpe. Skal sjekke prisen i England for å se om det er noen kroner og spare. [image]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/image]
  6. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Jeg bare lurte på om det er noen modellflyvere her som har noe erfaring med Real Flight - Ikarus eller True Flight. Jeg har tenkt å skaffe meg en modellfly sim, men jeg er ikke sikker på hvilken jeg skal velge.
  7. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Ta en titt litt nede på denne siden ! http://zzz.com.ru/index.html"'>http://zzz.com.ru/index.html" TARGET=_blank>http://zzz.com.ru/index.html [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  8. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    April 1, 2002, 4:30am Saudi Arabia, US Air Force Base Lieutenant John Falcon waved to his friends and climbed into the cockpit. He felt the surge of pride. Of course, it was such an honour! He learned it from General Break who said: - "You must be proud, Lieutenant. You are going to make the first operational flight on our newest top-secret aircraft F-22M." - "'M' means modified?" - asked John. - "'M' means Microsoft." - replied general. "The aircraft was fully reequipped by those guys. They claimed that any idiot would be able to complete any missions now. But for the trial run we have chosen you - one of our best pilots. Your goal is to destroy the Iraqi nuclear center." - "Yes, sir! You may already present your condolences to Saddam." - John was very enthusiastic. As usual, the lieutenant fastened the seat belts and only then he noticed that the instrument board was quite different from the standard one. There were less instruments, and in their place he saw a weird looking metallic mouse. Falcon shrugged his shoulders and turned the power on. On the half-transparent display he saw 'Microsoft Winwars 2002' inscription against a background of sparse clouds. Soon the engines began to work and the flaps moved into takeoff position. "Thank you for buying Microsoft Winwars 2002!" was written on the display. "Now the war will become more convenient, the flight will become safer and your missiles will be more precise. Tip of the day: release the landing gear before landing." - "Falcon-1, take-off permitted." - heard John the voice out of his helmet. - "But I didn't request permission." - replied he being surprised. - "You don't have to. Plug'n'Play." - replied the base. The aircraft immediately picked up speed and several seconds later was in the air. - "Winwars 2002 will now install your warheads on the selected target." - reported the system. "Target selected: Iraqi nuclear center." For no particular reason Falcon clicked on "Browse other targets" button and saw a long list, containing the White House and the base he took off from several minutes before, in addition to the Iraqi nuclear center. He hastily pressed "Cancel". - "Choose the installation type. Minimum - only bombs will be dropped. Normal - bombs will be dropped and missiles will be launched. Full - the whole aircraft will be dropped on the target." The default setting was "Normal" and John decided not to argue with the smart system. - "The system is going to test the performance of your machine. Close your eyes to avoid damage during the test." The engines roared and John's eyes popped out of his head from the acceleration. He felt like he was in hell; the aircraft shook, entered steep spins, turns, and so on... Soon everything went back to normal; the mouse fell back to its place and John revived. The system said: "You are using: F-22M aircraft with two Boeing engines in SMP mode. Maximum speed: 1451 mph. Tip of the day: never increase the clock frequency of your engines above the value specified by the manufacturer. Expected warheads installation time 0:34:16." The same day. 4:52am Sky above Iraq The percent bar at the bottom of the monitor moved slowly. Meanwhile the system advertised WinWars for tanks, submarines and marines and also promised a free applet "Kamikaze 1.01" for all customers of WinWars for aircrafts. John was enjoying this calm process when suddenly he heard an alarm sound. A green dot appeared on the radar screen. - "New hardware found: Enemy aircraft!" contentedly reported the system. John had already taken the joystick going to make a steep turn, but suddenly noticed a "Delete" button. Without any doubts he clicked it. - "Are you sure you want to delete the enemy aircraft?" - inquired WinWars suspiciously. - "I'll say!" - thought John and pressed "Yes". The green dot disappeared from the radar. - "Wow, so quickly?" - wondered lieutenant. "Microsoft must be employing very talented guys." He was utterly astonished and even started reading the list of advantages WinWars gives to disabled pilots, when suddenly he was distracted from this task by an enemy missle whizzing just above the cockpit. Falcon turned back and saw an Iraqi interception plane. - "What the hell?!" cried John and only then noticed a drawn aircraft empennage protruding out of the undistinguished icon "Recycle Bin" in the corner of the screen. Lieutenant furiously clicked this icon and pressed "Clear". - "Are you sure you want physically destroy the enemy aircraft? It will be impossible to restore it." - courteously asked WinWars. - "YES!" - roared John hitting the mouse. A missle got away from under the wing, and leaving a white, fluffy tail, rushed to meet the Iraqi interceptor. There was a bright flash, and the burning remains of the enemy machine flew to the ground. - "New device found: surface-to-air missile!" - reported the system several seconds later and froze. Vainly Falcon stroke the mouse looking at the sinister green dot approaching the center of the radar. At last the system awoke. - "Can't find the driver for this device. Insert the disk with the driver and press OK." Cursing, Falcon pressed "Search". - "The most suitable driver is "hand grenades". Install?" John jerked the joystick , attempting an anti-missile maneuver, but it was too late. His plane shuddered from the explosion. Falcon hardly recovered the aircraft from its dive, and clicked the "System" button. After clicking the plus near the "left wing" string, he saw a menu with yellow triangles and the exclamation marks next to "aileron" and "flap". Everything else was ok, so he got off lightly. The blue strip at the bottom of the screen was already showing 82%, so still he had a chance of completing the mission. The radar displayed two more enemy aircrafts, but they appeared from behind and Falcon didn't cared a lot about them. He knew that Iraqi crap simply couldn't catch up his ultra-fast F-22. However, the aircrafts approached. Puzzled, Falcon took a look at the spedometer and saw that his speed was constantly decreasing. - "Damn, what's going on?!" - exclaimed the lieutenant. "The engines work without any problems and the fuel tanks are full to the brim." Shortly after this, the hourglass icon appeared on the screen. The instrument needles jerked or remained in one position for a long time. - "Not enough memory available" - decided to explain the system. "Unload one or more unnecessary tasks to increase the available memory." Falcon launched the task manager and tried to understand what names like "winppl" or "v666apl" meant, and which ones were unnecessary. Meanwhile the engines grew silent and the speed dropped to the critical level - a bit lower and the aircraft would fall. Iraqi pilots, stunned because of such unusual battle tactics, swept along the F-22M (one on the right, another on the left), and, still not understanding what was going on, bumped into each other. At last the lieutenant found and selected a string named "Enemy tracking" with a "[Not responding]" inscription near it and pressed "OK". The radar screen went out, but the airplane finally started accelerating. The blue strip was already showing 99% ... and at last, 100%. Puzzled, Flacon looked to the ground. The desert below had nothing in common with the nuclear center, of which he had seen the satellite photographs many times. It appeared that WinWars thought the same; after 100% it displayed 101%, 102% and so on... On 106% the screen got blue and the system started cursing: "Error 000000e, caused by module VXD0000(0) from module VXD0000(0). Normal flight continuation is still possible. You can press Eject to catapult or press any other key to continue the flight. Attention! If you choose Eject, the unsaved aircraft will be lost." Falcon wans't going to catapult, all the more, he saw the nuclear center ahead. Not relying on WinWars anymore, he prepared to drop the bombs manually. He reduced the altitude, waited till the sight appeared directly over the target and pulled the trigger. Yeah! Something creaked and the new system message appeared on the display: - "The bomb hatch has executed the unexpected operation and will be closed." - "F#ck!" John pulled the joystick to raise the aircraft but nothing happened. The ground quickly approached. In frantic haste he browsed through the numerous menues looking for any problems. - "Joystick can't be detected." - he read finally. John knew only one method to solve all these problems and he used it. He turned the power off and on. - "The previous flight wasn't correctly finished. Press any key to start checking the aircraft integrity." - "Shit!" - snapped John, pressing Cancel. He saw the Winwars 2002 logo and the system began booting. It definitely didn't hurry anywhere. The aircraft was only several hundred meters above the ground. - "The system is booted in safe mode." - mocked WinWars. "In this mode the flight and weapon functions are disabled. You may only drive the aircraft on the runway." Realizing that nothing else could be done, Falcon hit the "Eject" button, expecting the cockpint to instantly open, preparing for the powerful blow that would throw him out of F-22M. However, this didn't happen and another question appeared on the screen. - "Do you really want to eject?" - "YEEEESS!" - yelled John, looking at the nearing ground. - "Wait, the system is preparing the catapult..." imperturbably reported WinWars and froze. April 2, 2002 Baghdad. Saddam's palace. - "Thus," - briskly continued the general, "thanks to the selfless efforts of our pilots, who courageously fought the American agressors in unequal battle, we have saved our nuclear center and destoyed the enemy's newest top-secret aircraft." - "Really?" - the dictator shot a glance at his general and he dropped his eyes. - "Well, really unequal. There was one and they are lucky to have died because he still managed to reach the center. We must thank Allah that it wasn't destroyed." It gave the general the shivers. He knew that even Allah wouldn't save him now. - "You have 30 seconds to justify youself," idly responded Saddam. - "This is it!" - exclaimed the general, taking a shining CD out of a sealed container. "We found this in enemy aircraft debris. The newest military software! Top-secret American technology!" - "Ok, you've got a small chance," the dictaror settled back in the arm-chair. "This must be installed on all aircrafts in our army in 3 weeks." - "Your order is a law for me!" - exclaimed the general. Three weeks and one day later Iraq surrendered.
  9. Ta en titt på Boeing`s siste nyskapning. http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2001/q2/news_release_010625n.htm"'>http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2001/q2/news_release_010625n.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2001/q2/news_release_010625n.htm NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, Md., June 25, 2001 — The Boeing Joint Strike Fighter short-takeoff-and-vertical-landing (STOVL) aircraft, the X-32B, yesterday accomplished a major aerospace milestone and another JSF program first when it transitioned from wingborne flight to a hover. [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  10. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Går dere med byggeplaner, så ta en titt på denne linken http://zzz.com.ru/index.html"'>http://zzz.com.ru/index.html" TARGET=_blank>http://zzz.com.ru/index.html Eller denne http://www.maxpoweraero.com/homes/pageone.htm"'>http://www.maxpoweraero.com/homes/pageone.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.maxpoweraero.com/homes/pageone.htm [ 28-05-2001: Endret av: Håvard Solvang ]
  11. Les dette ! http://www.artbell.com/letters07.html"'>http://www.artbell.com/letters07.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.artbell.com/letters07.html [image]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/image]
  12. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Ta en titt på denne skjermen ! http://www.howstuffworks.com/elumens.htm"'>http://www.howstuffworks.com/elumens.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.howstuffworks.com/elumens.htm Pris 19.000$
  13. Jobber hos Volvo Aero Norge som produserer deler til Snecma -PW og GE flymotorer. Min jobb er å programere målemaskiner (CMM) for sluttkontroll av deler. Under førstegangstjenesten drev jeg med vedlikehold på artileriets OP fly. (Cessna Bird dog og Piper Cub) Jeg var først på kurs på Kjevik,så tre månder på Værnes og avsluttet de tre siste på Torp.(Flyskole) Jeg rakk å få med en reppøvelse i Nordnorge før flytroppen ble nedlagt. Husker spesielt en nattflyvning i midnattsol med snittflyging over Nordkapp,meget heftig og farlig. Øvelsen ble avblåst for tidlig pga.at et av flyene som var stasjonert på Rygge styrtet og piloten omkom. Noen uker senere styrtet ett fly til i Nordnorge og den ene piloten + mekanikeren som jeg var på øvelse med ble drept.
  14. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/hardware/previews/aimsworth/aimsworth2/"'>http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/hardware/previews/aimsworth/aimsworth2/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/hardware/previews/aimsworth/aimsworth2/ eller denne http://www.mindspring.com/~dhiggs/cockpits.html"'>http://www.mindspring.com/~dhiggs/cockpits.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.mindspring.com/~dhiggs/cockpits.html [Endret av Håvard Solvang 05-12-2000.]
  15. Denne må jo være kjekk å ha når man er ute og flyr. http://www.shopping.discovery.com/product/1107-1419-145581.html"'>http://www.shopping.discovery.com/product/1107-1419-145581.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.shopping.discovery.com/product/1107-1419-145581.html
  16. http://www.digitoday.no/dtno.nsf/pub/dd20001114075354er18292057"'>http://www.digitoday.no/dtno.nsf/pub/dd20001114075354er18292057" TARGET=_blank>http://www.digitoday.no/dtno.nsf/pub/dd20001114075354er18292057
  17. Håvard Solvang svarte i Håvard Solvangs innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    One key component of the system is Panoram's $27,000 PV290 display. It consists of three-color flat-panel LCDs at 30-degree angles to each other, creating a single viewing area 43.5 inches wide by 11.5 inches high. The PV290 is one-tenth the cost of its predecessors and has an unprecedented 3840-by-1024-pixel resolution, says company President Theo Mayer. Panoram introduced the PV290 last June and demonstrated the final version this week. The display will ship in Januar. Jeg sjekket prisen for herligheten ! 27.000 feite dollar. Jeg regner med at det er greit for "sambo" at jeg tar opp lån og faxer bestilling i kveld. PS. Er det noen som leier ut hybel billig !!!!
  18. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Ta en titt på denne skjermen ! Dette hadde vert konge på skrivebordet ! http://www.panoramtech.com/pv290dsk.htm"'>http://www.panoramtech.com/pv290dsk.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.panoramtech.com/pv290dsk.htm
  19. Håvard Solvang svarte i Håvard Solvangs innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Beklager vist jeg var litt uklar,men for en del uker siden gikk det en diskusjon om Radio scannere her! En radio scanner kan men bruke til å lytte på fly-tårn og en masse annet. Disse er vist ikke lovlig å selge i Norege ennå,det er vist regelendring på gang !
  20. Håvard Solvang la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    For fire uker siden bestilte jeg en Icom IC-R2 hos http://www.waters-and-stanton.co.uk/"'>http://www.waters-and-stanton.co.uk/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.waters-and-stanton.co.uk/ Jeg betalte med Visa,og håpet på det beste ! Etter to uker lå det en lapp i posten, jeg rusla ned på postkontoret og betalte 425kr til sammen i moms og toll. Ingen problemer :-) For andre som vil prøve det samme, husk å trekke fra 17.5%VAT (engelsk moms)på prisen.
  21. Her er ett forslag fra en som akkurat har bygd opp en ny pc. Prosessor P3 550Mhz FCPGA ca 2400.- hos Komplett-data Hovedkort MSI.6309 ca 1000.-hos PS data Ram PC133 128 mb ca 1000.- hos Komlett-data Kabinett Aopen HX45 ca 650.- Komplett.data Hardisk IBM 20gb ca 1800 Komplett-data Jeg har ett TNT2 Ultra grafikkort fra før, som jeg fortsatt bruker. Det er intigrert lydkort på hovedkortet, men det er ikke noe problem å bruke andre lydkort vist man foretrekker det. Man trenger ikke å kjøpe slot converter, for hovedkortet støtter FCPGA prosessorer. Jeg kjører nå på 147 fsb og maskinen er fjellstø på 808Mhz Jeg trengte ikke å øke volt styrken på prosessoren, så det er ikke noe problem med varme. Håvard