Fly&Fish för MSFS2020
Now that I'm reading your posting, the scales are falling from my eyes! I should have known that myself... Many thanks!
Fly&Fish för MSFS2020
Hello Lennart, I was very happy when I read your announcement about the Fly&Fish airfields that many of us have known since FS2004 times. I installed and activated them in MSFS right away, including the required libraries such as ALFSFlags V2 - LennartsSWD library - tsr-windy-things Unfortunately I have a problem. In almost all sceneries I don't have any buildings/cabins as I see them in your screenshots. Flags, cars, harbor and boats and other equipment is available. My setting in MSFS for buildings is set to "Ultra". Can someone give me advice and help? Regards Dieter
Showcase Airports Of Norway
Excellent! Flightsimmers not using Andrew Thompsen's "Airports of Norway" really don't know what the are missing.
Vadso Airport/ENVD - free offer
Well, I think the scenery is really not better what we have with AoNN.
Vadso Airport/ENVD - free offer
Please see here: https://secure.simmarket.com/ironsim-vadso-airport-p3d4-(de_12648).phtml Dieter
SSW Lockheed Martin F-104 free today
Only today at SimMarket! See here: https://secure.simmarket.com/sim-skunk-works-lockheed-martin-frf-104g-for-p3d-v.-4.x.phtml Dieter
Kirkenes Airport
Have a look here: http://www.onfinal.dk/ Kirkenes is in development (freeware) http://www.onfinal.dk/enkr.php Greetings Dieter
I think this old version is obsolet. But you might try to get in contact with the author via this email address: support@fstramp.com
Tilbud P3D addons
The mesh included in Orbx EU Norway is excellent! In my opinion there is no need to install another one. Dieter
Flightsim.no usikker innlogging
All is back to normal, thank you! Dieter
Flightsim.no usikker innlogging
Ok, I see that the webmaster is already informed about this problem. So hopefully the SSL certificate will be renewed soon. Dieter
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