Alt skrevet av Martin Jensen
For those interested, jetnorge staff is active on Facebook where they answer questions very quickly...
Nogen der kender til dette VA? Søger enhver undskyldning for at flyve en Airbus rundt i Norge? Deres webside er mangelfuld - ingen route net, ingen Fleet beskrivelse, ingen kontaktformular... Tak Martin
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Simpelthen fantastisk! Re-born hard!
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FSX, X-Plane eller Prepar3d?
Mht Orbx Libraries, så installere altid disse efter installation af ethvert Orbx Product... Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
FSX, X-Plane eller Prepar3d?
FTX NOR er 100% standalone - fungerer lige bra om du har Global, Vector eller EU landclass installeret. Om jeg var dig ville jeg starte med FTX NOR og så flyve Norge tynd i en GA maskine... Når du så vil på langfart, er du sandsynligvis blevet så forkælet af FTX NOR, at du får lyst til at købe Orbx Global, Orbx Vector og Orbx EU Landclass, så resten af verden ser ligeså bra ud... Ring til banken og sig de skal brace for impact... Sent from my ONE A2003 using Tapatalk
Ups - så ikke denne - da glem hva jeg sagde og flyv!
Tips Install preferred ai package (woai, UT just plain p3d). Run vmr on the server machine. It will generate a rule set (a file) based on installed/default ai. That file can automatically moved to the client vpilot or you can manually move it to your client machine, and then select it from the client vpilot interface. It's not the most easy guide that comes with the tool, but it's what we got. Let me know, and I will post some screenies...
Ok - was not aware of that bug - thx for sharing! Hope you get everything sorted out. Steam or native FSX are great Sims, they just don't hold any future, if you ask me..
And about the NGX. I own the p3d version, but only because I got it at a reduced price. I your situation I would opt for the ifly 737 (think it's cheaper, but not sure) or the upcoming CRJ from DA/aerosoft. Both products will give you an excellent airliner simulation... Next there's the ipcoming Fslabs a320, but frankly I expect their p3d license to match pmdg pricing...
If you have already bought p3d, then I would definitely NOT buy fsx (steam or not). I consider those products for obsolete and dead, in the sense that they will not be developed any further. Dovetail reveiled their true nature not long ago by announcing their Xbox "sim" - the future path of FSX steam should be quite clear to us all. Sure, the steam version might receive bugfixes, but that is fixes to the existing code, nothing new. So, to sum up; in my world only two viable Sims with a future exists: P3d and X-Plane...
Ny i gamet !
Må jeg lige sige om saitek;jeg har haft yoke samt to throttle quadrants i snart 4-5 år uden problemer. Synes faktisk de er god kvalitet for pengene. Har netop tilkøbt Saitek rudder pedals også - fantastisk;-) Det og så trackir er nok et af de vigtigste køb for mig og fs..
God jul fra Danmark - tak for alt Jeres vidunderlige freeware og Jeres bidrag til et godt og dynamisk skandinavisk fs community...