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  1. Jeg registrerer at jeg har vært her siden år 2000, wow som tiden flyr :cool: Tror jeg faktisk registrerte meg i 98 eller 99 :crazy:
  2. OK, takk.. :cool:
  3. oddhspjoetvold la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Litt syting her Egentlig bare nysgjerrig, he, he..Har vært her siden 2002(?)IIRC
  4. Sovjets invading :-) Hells March http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BJsxThahqE
  5. The police state.... Enda en:
  6. Vel, vel, dette visste jeg ikke. Beklager hvis dere følte det som spam.
  7. oddhspjoetvold la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Bra video, bra musikk:
  8. One of the passengers on United Flight 826 was Stephen Baltz, a young boy traveling by himself. As he looked down at the white mantel of snow covering New York City the plane shook with a loud thud as the collision occurred. One of United’s jet engines rammed into TWA at nearly 400 miles per hour, splitting open TWA’s fuselage, and scooping out of the TWA cabin a woman passenger. Slowly she was fed into the knife-like fan blades at the front of the jet engine. ----------------- It was all over for the passengers and crew of TWA Flight 266. But the horror continued for those on United Flight 826. After ramming TWA, and losing one of its engines, Flight 826 proceeded for eight miles in a northeasterly direction, losing altitude as it descended toward the heavily congested Brooklyn section of New York City. The only noise on Brooklyn’s Sterling Place was the occasional sloshing sound of a car going through the snow. But this shortly changed. Thousands of people on the ground in New York City watched the DC-8 streaking toward the densely populated Park Slope residential and business section. Flight 826 swept in low, and just before impact, threatened to crash into St. Augustine parochial school that contained over a thousand children.
  9. En noe spekulativ forfatter beskriver amerikansk luftfart siden 60 tallet: PS: Advarsel for de som besvimer over blod og gørr, styr unna. http://www.druggingamerica.com/EUnfriendly_Skies_part.pdf
  10. Flott tiltak, minner meg om at jeg har hatt liggende LN-PAB på harddisken i over et år: [image]http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/9742/noor1al.jpg[/image] [image]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/2183/noor21cm.jpg[/image]
  11. oddhspjoetvold la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/nett/article1137190.ece Spionanklager mot Google Surfere verden over bruker Googles nyeste leketøy, Google Earth, til å avsløre militære hemmeligheter - til mange myndigheters store skrekk.
  12. Ja, for eksempel SAS/Braathens og Sterlings eksempel er glimrende...Uansett er det ikke akkurat så fryktelig mye penger å tjene på payware, men som amerikanere flest skal de ha sin del av kaka
  13. Hadde det ikke vært enklere å puttet det følgende i en readme fil istedet for å "fylle ut et skjema"? The American Airlines name and logo are registered trade marks of American Airlines and can not whatsoever be used for any purpose than on this plane as freeware hobby without WRITTEN permission from American Airlines company and their assosciates.
  14. oddhspjoetvold la til et innlegg i et emne i Kaffekroken
    Bare tanken på at Braathens/SAS eller andre eldre og døde "trademark" innehavere skulle være livende redde for noen ussle hobby-folk.... Sitat: American Airlines Information Release Form For Freeware Developers If you are a hobbyist who wishes to create or distribute a proprietary Livery owned by American Airlines (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) for non-commercial purposes, then American Airlines has no objection to you doing so if you are willing to sign the following acknowledgement and return it to: Intellectual Property Attorney American Airlines PO Box 619616 MD 5675 DFW Airport TX 75261-9616 Or email it to: IPAttorney@aa.com American will not use this information for any purpose other than protecting its legal rights. Download the release form in Word format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I acknowledge that American Airlines, Inc. (including its subsidiaries and affiliates) is the sole and exclusive owner of the trademarks, logos, designs, and trade dress constituting the Livery of American Airlines, American Eagle, TWA, TWE, BEX, Air Cal, and Reno Air. I affirm that I have not made, nor will I make in the future, any direct or indirect commercial use of these Liveries (or any other American Airlines intellectual property) in creating or distributing these Liveries for flight simulator programs or otherwise. If I give (as opposed to sell) the product of my hobby to others, I will include the following language in a conspicuous place: "Not for commercial sale. Not affiliated with or endorsed by American Airlines." _______________________________ Signature _______________________________ Printed name _______________________________ Address _______________________________ Email address and site nickname Sitat slutt...
  15. >Er det poengene, eller mailen som er viktigst nå? Jeg sier det igjen: Konstruktiv kritikk, uansett er det ingen som tvinger meg til noe som helst, men gleden av å lage noe for andre dabber etterhvert av med et utakknemmlig publikum som beskylder andre for sutring når man etterlyser begrunnelser for ulike "aktiviteter". Besøk Mike Stones forum og les hans "avskjedssøknad" takket være et kravstort publikum som ikke gjør annet enn å kreve og å klage, da får du kanskje et bilde av den generelle trenden bland de som gidder å forskyne publikum med addons. Uansett tar jeg en lang pause med en reise til Spania og blir der lenge MvH Odd