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Christian Peschardt

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  1. On May 6th, there will be a combined C1 CPT (Controllers Practical Test) in ESOS and EKDK FIR Arvid Hansson will show his skills on ESOS_CTR, and Necmi Tekin Silistireli will show his skills on EKDK_CTR. Come fly and let them deserve their C1 rating, we are gonna need a lot of traffic and of course both VFR and IFR are more than welcome. Expect Stockholm and Copenhagen fully staffed.
  2. On May 6th, there will be a C1 (CPT) in ESOS FIR. Arvid Hansson will be trying to convince the exam commision that he deserves the Controller Rating (C1), while controlling ESOS_CTR. The CPT starts at 1600UTC and ends around 1900UTC.We would like to see a great traffic variety, thus both IFR and VFR flights are more than welcome
  3. You may have heard of the famous Bermuda triangle but VATSIM-Scandinavia is bringing something more exciting! We present, The Scandinavian Triangle! On 22th April 16-20Z EKCH, ENGM and ESSA are gonna be fully staffed to provide an triangle. So what are you gonna do? Pretty simple, fly between these airports and form a big triangle. Expect traffic from all directions and let the Scandinavians showing of their skills in this triangle event!
  4. Once againwe have a C1 examination VATSIM Scandinavia Semir Gebran will try to prove to the examiner that he deserves his C1 rating.The examination starts 1 April at 17 and ending at 19z so come and fly around in Copenhagen airspace and help Semir to get his C1 rating! Sceneries http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html (Patch for FSX can be found on AVSIM) http://secure.simmarket.com/scansim-fly-to-ekch-copenhagen-airport.phtml Charts http://www.slv.dk/Dokumenter/dsweb/View/Collection-344
  5. Copenhagen meets reality! On January the 29th, 16.00-21.30z Copenhagen meets reality. We are now happy to invite you to one of Vatsim Scandinavia’s biggest events in 2012. We will simulate the traffic in Copenhagen on a Sunday evening in the same timeframe. Book your flight already now on our event page - http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/Events/Copenhagen'>http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/Events/Copenhagen Meets Reality! Copenhagen’s main airport, Kastrup (EKCH), is situated on the Island of Amager, which is a part of the capital area, it’s surrounded by water on all sides, and you might see the famous Öresundsbridge between Denmark and Sweden during your departure or approach. During this event we’ll be more than 15 ATC’s online for you to enjoy the busy airspace overhead Copenhagen. Book your flight already now, and get ready for busy skies when Copenhagen meets reality. For charts, scenerys, bookings and important information, please see our event page - http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/Events/Copenhagen Meets Reality! See you in Copenhagen Vatsim Scandinavia.
  6. Once again Vatsim-Scandinavia invites you to Stockholm Arlanda Real time event! With over 350 flights spread out over 10 hours this will be one of the most exciting events in Vatsim-Scandinavia this year. In our booking system you will find flights from many parts of the world, China, France, Spain, England is some of the places that you can fly from and to. As a major airport in Sweden, Stockholm Arlanda is the biggest airport in Sweden. With over 84 companies transfering almost 17 million people every year makes Stockholm Arlanda a major hub in scandinavia. 4 December from 11:00-21:00Z you will have the opportunity to join us by booking a flight here: Book your flight: http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/Events/Stockholm%20Arlanda%20Real%20Time Charts: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Scenerys: Aerosoft (payware): http://en.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php?action=article_detail&s_supplier_aid=10723&s_design=DEFAULT&shopfilter_category=Flight%20Simulation&s_language=english RBdesign(Freeware): http://rbdesign.se/swedflight.html RBdesign also have very nice framerate scenerys for the biggest airports in Sweden. VATSIM Scandinavia wishes you the best time in Sweden, during the real time event. Welcome!
  7. Today is the night! Vatsim-scandinavia invites you to a great night with a lot of ATC and fun. Hope to see you there!
  8. 2 October, the time has come to test PMS, Point Merge System on Oslo Gardermoen. Our air traffic controller will be online from 15-19Z to provide you with quality service to try out the new system. So join us on a great evening with lots of ATC and fun. Charts can be found on the Norway AIP webpage: https://www.ippc.no/.../ENGM/engm.html There is some high quality framerate scenerys, both free and payware that can be used FSX (Payware) Aerosoft mega airport Oslo Gardemoen: http://en.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php?action=article_detail&s_supplier_aid=11807&s_design=DEFAULT&shopfilter_category=Flight%20Simulation (Freeware, also included most of the airports in Norway) http://www.flightsim.no/fsno/filbibliotek/fsx/scenery/europa/norge/1296/visit.html FS9 (Freeware, also included most of the airports in Norway) http://www.flightsim.no/fsno/filbibliotek/FS2004/scenery/europa/norge/75.html Departure and arrival briefing will be available shorly.
  9. Hej på er! Jag hoppas det går bra att jag tar detta på svenska. Vi kan väl börja med problemet på Arlanda. Jag var ute och flög VFR och hade klart in i kontrollzonen. Jag kommer mot bas och ser Iceair (Du Lars tror jag), tornet bad mig göra en 360 graders sväng, och då såg jag inte kärran som var bakom så jag frågade om jag kunde gå bakom Iceair med visuell seperation och det gick han med på. Jag gick mot final bakom, fast då fick jag syn på SAS-kärran som fick mig att vika undan. Så i vilket fall så vart det ett missförstånd mellan Arlanda tornet och mig. Vi ber om ursäkt för det och hoppas att det inte händer igen. Nästa punkt jag vill ta upp är varför ni inte kan ha Vatsim-scandinavia events koordinering i erat forum. Jag ber er inte flytta allt till Vatsim-scandinavia forumet, ingen som har gjort det. Jag håller mig rätt mycket på FSnordic med så. Men om all koordinering ska behövas vara på 3 olika forum så blir jag väldigt stressad + att det blir 3 språk jag ska sitta och hålla reda på. Det blir för mycket för mig när vi ändå har ett forum för sånt. Det enda jag kräver ifrån er är att ha event koordineringen på Vatsim-scandinavia forumet och inget annat, Svenskarna och danskarna har tatt del av det och ni borde också visa respekt och göra det, för Norge är ingen egen division utan en del av Vatsim-scandinavia. Fattar inte varför det ska vara så svårt att ta del av? Ska ni ha event så ska ni ha koordineringen på vatsim-scandinavia forumet, också för att svenskarna och danskarna ska kunna ta del av det och hjälpa till med staffning under era event. Det är det ända jag som event coordinator begär ifrån er. Tar ni inte del av detta så får ni förvänta er färre event, inget mer med det.