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Asle Leknes

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Alt skrevet av Asle Leknes

  1. Fant noen flere: Chuck Norris doesn't use a radio. He just yells. Chuck Norris once shot down three enemy aircraft with his blivet. Chuck Norris doesn't fly into headwinds...the wind is always running away from Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris does not have to worry about crashing into the ground. The ground will gladly get out of Chuck Norris' way. Chuck Norris was taking the active runway and noticed the windsock was pointed in his direction. Chuck Norris calmly got out of his plane walked over to the windsock and obliterated it with a double roundhouse kick. No one points at Chuck Norris...no one. Two-way contact for Chuck Norris is when he hits you with both fists simultaneously. Once, Chuck Norris was told to down one of his students. That student is still recovering from his injuries. Chuck Norris was told to IDENT, the controller was greeted with a fist coming out of his radar screen. Chuck Norris has never had a successful recovery onboard a carrier; it is impossible to trap Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn't level off; he tells the altimeter to stop moving. Shock and Awe are the names of Chuck Norris' legs. Chuck Norris was flying and saw a wall of clouds ahead so he decided to punch through them. He then got back in his plane and flew through the hole he just made. Chuck Norris was told he was number two for landing. He immediately went to guns and shot the preceding aircraft. Chuck Norris does not follow anyone. A Flight Docs gives med up chits, Chuck Norris gives med down kicks. On final, an LSO told Chuck Norris he was slow; that LSO never saw the ensuing eight kicks coming.
  2. Lars: Den offisielle historien sier "pilot error", men i følge kaptein Asseline reagerte ikke motorene da han ga full throttle. Han måtte dra av throttle og gi full pinne på nytt flere ganger. Etter hvert reagerte motorene, men da var det for sent. Det skal også sies at CVR og FDR var "forsvunnet" i en uke etter ulykken og har sannsynligvis blitt modifisert, slik at Airbus muligens kunne dekke over feil på den gang splitter nye A320 - og skylde på "pilot error" i stedet.