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Håkan Schulz

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  1. [size:14pt]Stockholm Arlanda Realtime Event today Sunday 4th of December[/size] Stockholm Arlanda (ESSA) fully staffed from Arlanda Clearance Delivery all the way up to Sweden Control for 10 hours from 11-21z * Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) * Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) * Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) * Stockholm Control (ESSA_E/W_APP) * Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) 16 of VATSIM Scandinavia's absolutely most professional controllers will provide a possibility for an extraordinary opportunity to experience flying in a truely busy, professional and friendly environment. Welcome!
  2. [size:14pt]Stockholm-Arlanda Thursday evening fly-in[/size] this evening Thursday 17th of November 17-21z. Excellent staffing at Stockholm-Arlanda airport (ESSA) and all the way up to Sweden Control. Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) Stockholm Control (ESSA_APP) Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) Welcome and join in a and fly Stockholm-Arlanda.
  3. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  4. [color:#000066][size:14pt]Stockholm-Arlanda Thursday Fly-in 27th of Octber 16-20z[/size][/color] Excellent opportunity to fly Stockholm-Arlanda (ESSA) with full staffing: Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) Stockholm Control (ESSA_E_APP) Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) Welcome and fly Stockholm-Arlanda and in Scandinavia!
  5. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  6. [color:#000099]Stockholm-Arlanda Thursday evening fly-in, 16-20z, this evening 20th of October, welcome![/color]
  7. Stockholm-Arlanda full staffing for John Brander CPT VATSIM Scandinavia warmly welcomes you to fly Stockholm Arlanda and to join in on a truely ultimately realistic event in a busy and friendly atmosphere. Sunday the 23rd of October 17.00z - 19.00z Stockholm Arlanda ESSA will be fully staffed all the way from Delivery to Sweden Control: Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) Arlanda Ground (ESSA_E_GND and ESSA_N_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_W_TWR and ESSA_E_TWR) Stockholm Control (ESSA_APP) Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR and ESMM_CTR) for John Brander going for his Controller Practical Test at Stockholm Control. Fly Stockholm Arlanda to give John a challenge and an opportunity to show his controller skills. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  8. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. John Brander and Max A.L.K will also have ATC training at Stockholm Control and all flights are most welcome to give them at challenge for their upcoming CPT. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  9. [size:14pt]Stockholm-Arlanda Thursday fly-in 16-20z, 13th of October[/size] Staffing at: Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Stockholm Control (ESSA_E_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) provide possibilities for online flying with ultimate realism and service. Welcome!
  10. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  11. Stockholm-Arlanda Thursday Fly-in 6th of Octber 16-20z Excellent opportunity to fly Stockholm-Arlanda (ESSA) with full staffing: Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) Stockholm Control ESSA_W_APP ESSA_E_APP ESSA_DEP Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) Welcome and fly Stockholm-Arlanda and in Scandinavia!
  12. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html
  13. Thursday 29th of September 16.00z - 20.00z, Nicko Brännlund will have Tower training at Arlanda Tower In connection with this we will staff Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way from Arlanda Clearance Delivery and up. Welcome and fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA to help Nicko practice for his upcoming Tower CPT. All kinds of traffic is most welcome - IFR as well as VFR.
  14. VATSIM Scandinavia welcomes You to our weekly Thursday evening Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA fly-in. Our team of air traffic controllers will provide the best possible service from Stockholm-Arlanda airport all the way up to Area Control. Take the opportunity to feel the pulse and intensity as they guide You through the skies online in or out of Stockholm-Arlanda. Very nice sceneries as well as reallife pilot charts are available to give You the most realistic experience. Please, have a look at the links provided below. Very welcome to fly Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA and in the scandinavian skies this thursday. Charts are available through the Swedish CAA: http://www.lfv.se/sv/FPC/IAIP/AD-0-4/AD-2/S1/ Freeware is available through RB Design: http://www.rbdesign.se/swedflight.html Payware is available through Aerosoft
  15. Stockholm-Arlanda ESSA Thursday evening fly-in 15th of September 16.00z-20.00z with full staffing: Arlanda Clearance Delivery (ESSA_DEL) Arlanda Ground (ESSA_GND) Arlanda Tower (ESSA_TWR) Stockholm Control (ESSA_E_APP and ESSA_W_APP) Stockholm Arrival (ESSA_F_APP) Sweden Control (ESOS_CTR) are welcoming you to join us and fly Stockholm-Arlanda and in the Scandinavian skies. Welcome!