Alt skrevet av Joakim Hagen
Letengforhandlere?? (Haster)
Er vel DETTE han mener Kan det være at dette er alle butikkene?
Hvordan er det for Deadliest Catch kapteinene?
Ser det nå :0) Takk som sier ifra! Endret nå
Hvordan er det for Deadliest Catch kapteinene?
I fjor kom det et spill ut der du kan teste deg selv som kaptein på NorthWestern. Dette handler om serien Deadliest Catch.
musikalsk cabin crew....
Haha " You will not get that on United Airlines "
Norwegian vurderer Årø!
Da har den nyheten jeg har ventet lenge på kommet! For noen uker siden var det noen som sa at Norwegian aldri ville komme til Årø! Men nå kan jo det hende for oss i Molde! Molde sin lokale avis.
World of Subways Vol 2: U7 - Berlin
Da har jeg v2! Litt kjedelig siden det kun er en rute du kan ta tur retud på. Kommer mer med patcher tenker jeg. Dumt det ikke var flere ruter med under relase.
Hvilken simulator syns du er best? Utenom FS
World of Subways
World of Subways Vol 2: U7 - Berlin
Da var ny pakke av World of Subways ute! Volum 2 som er i Berlin. Selv har jeg en på bestilling med simMarket! Sunday 15 March, 2009 EUR 25.17 Pending Litt info fra Aerosoft sine sider: Complete Feature List: Here´s what you can expect from "World of Subways Vol. 2: U7 - Berlin " A feature list to be exited about. * Animated display monitors at stations. * Realistic shift service to schedule. * Intelligent and custom announcements * Passenger volume dependend on time if day. * Simulation of wear and tear caused by style of operation (can be selected via options) * Extensive scoring system, adding to the excitement and fun. * Custom setting of destination display during operations. * Customizable light settings on train (position lights, cab lighting, etc) * Opening doors to be seen from either inside or outside, controlled by the player * Doors can be openend seperately. Options are the doors on the right and left side of the train. Of course you can also open both sides at the same time. * Train vibration – as soon as the train starts moving, vibrations will take effect on the train. * Train swings – The train will start swinging the higher the speed. You will especially get this kind of feel in the cab. Hard braking will also produce this effect and the train will still be in a swinging motion when it has come to a full stop. * Intelligent AI traffic operating to real schedules. Display on destination signs and announcements are controlled automatically. * Configurable key commands – The player can freely configure keys to his liking. He can for instance configure the key for the brake lever wherever he wants. * 3D – Cockpit with rotatable camera – allowing the player to look around. By using a key stroke the view angle will be centered again. * Free movement inside the train – While the train is stationary at a station you will have the option to switch to an ego perspective inside the passenger car. You can move by using keyboard commands, view angles can be controlled with the mouse. * Free movement on the station – you can get off the train at any station and move around (ego perspective). There will also be some missions starting on the platform of a station. The player will have to walk into to the train, into the cab which is seperated from the passenger area by a door. * Free movement in the tunnels and on the track * Changing of cabs – sometimes you will have to change the cabs during a mission. The train driver has to leave the cab, the train and then walk along the platform to the other end. He then gets into the train and cab again to prepare for departure. * A brandnew mission module with new mission * Flashlight for virtual walk in the tunnel * Compatible with Raildriver Cab Controller WOS sine hjemmesider:
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Japp! Har det alle da trur jeg
Airline Mogul
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