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Eivind Tollerød Fosse

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Om Eivind Tollerød Fosse

  • Bursdag 03. jan. 1981

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  1. MSA is published on instrument approach procedure charts made by the autority that designed the procedure, so you can't "determine" it yourself. If there are no MSA, you should use the MORA to stay safe above ground until you visually can see it. Yes, FL95 on that chart is as I said limit of the lower controlled airspace. It is never used as MORA in real life, but it was a suggestion for you to use if you had no other MORA sources. As far as I know, except for TMA and CTRs, the lower limit of controlled airspace is safe and a MORA or MSA is usually lower. It would be strange if a mountain penetrated the limit of lower controlled airspace. But as mentioned - I'm not 100% sure. Still - for flight simulator, you should be fairly safe at FL95 in that area.
  2. 1 - You can use the ICAO FPL form to see how to file a Y (IFR departure, VFR arrival) flight plan. http://files.eurofpl.eu/originalfpl/pdfs/EuroFPL-ICAO_Flightplan_Form_Basics-latest.pdf As far as I can remember VATSIM only supports IFR and VFR in item 8 when filing a FPL (in a real FPL you'd enter Y for IFR-VFR or Z for VFR-IFR). So I'd choose an IFR FPL. You can still indicate to ATC the point you want to change from IFR to VFR in the route part of your FPL. The correct format is to indicate the fix you want to change from IFR to VFR and enter VFR behind. For example OSMUM VFR As you suggest you can indicate this by a regular fix, VOR or NDB, a coordinate (very useful for ATC online as this will show your route point on the radar screen) or a Radial and distance from a known VOR/NDB: RBU281045 VFR 2 – Your TAWS will not be enough to start descend. You should use MORA altitudes until you are within 25 NM from destination and can use the MSA altitudes. If you have Jeppesen Enroute charts, you can find the MORA altitudes as numbers within a square, for example 98 where the 8 is a little smaller than the 9. This indicates 9800 ft. Unfortunately I do not know where you can find MORA altitudes without Jeppesen. If you do not have Jeppesen I’d go for AIP Norway enroute charts instead and find the lowest controlled airspace altitude over your destination – FL135 for the ENOP area, or FL95 if you use the fix OSMUM as transfer point to VFR. https://www.ippc.no/norway_aip/current/aip/EN_ENR_6_2-3_en.pdf
  3. Ny sektorfil er klar. Versjon 4.1 AMDT 0514 Det er brukt godt over 100 timer på denne oppdateringen som inneholder endringer fra AMDT 02, 03, 04 og ikke minst 0514 (SNAP). Hovedårsaken til at det har tatt mye tid er fordi mesteparten av sektorfila sør av Namsos har blitt laget helt på nytt. Siden det var viktig å få ut en sektorfil som er "brukanes", må en regne med at det er endel bugs i denne versjonen. Både visuelle og operative. Send meg gjerne en mail når du finner noe som kan være feil, så sjekker jeg det ut: etfosse at yahoo punktum no LoA i Stavanger AoR og Bodø Sektor 18 og 19 (SNAP området) er enda ikke klart, så dette vil ikke fungere før senere. Filen kan lastes ned fra ES. De skal være live der nå. Eventuelt kan du laste ned fra Dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16066714/Norway_NC_2014_05_v41.7z Dette er en mer detaljert liste over det som er endret: AIP AMDT 0214 New SIG points established and withdrawn ENBO - SID revised ENBN - SID revised ENEV - P-RNAV SID/STAR and RNAV(GNSS) PROC established. SID, STAR, IAC and VAC revised. NDB RWY 17 withdrawn. Evenes TMA revised. ENHV - ADC and VAC revised ENKR - SID/STAR revised AIP AMDT 0314 New SIG points established and withdrawn ENAN - STAR and IAC revised ENEV - SID and IAC revised ENGM - STAR revised ENTC - IAC revised. RNAV(GNSS)-B introduced ENSS - IAC revised ENVD - IAC revised AIP AMDT 0414 Gudrun and Petrojarl Knarr HTZ new. Petrojarl 1 HTZ withdrawn. List of permanent installations with helideck revised New SIG and RNAV points established: DEVAK, ETESA, ODEVI, SUPOV, UMPAS, ST407, ST408, ST409, ST505, ST506, ST507. Withdrawn INPIS, ST504 ENGM - SID RWY 19R revised ENST - SID, STAR, IAC revised AIP AMDT 0514 TRM VOR withdrawn. Some parts of Norway CTA adjusted and some parts new. Balder and Ekofisk CTA new. Heidrun CTA realigned. Flesland and Sola TMA replaced by West Coast TMA. Kvernberget and Vigra TMA replaced by Møre TMA. Værnes and Ørland TMA realigned. ATC sectors in south western part of Norway realigned. FREQ changed. Oslo, Stavanger, Bodø ATCC replaced by Norway ACC. Oslo, Stavanger and Bodø Control/Radar replaced by Norway Control. Sogn E, E2, E3 TIA new. Sogn S, SE TIA realigned. Balder and Ekofisk ADS realigned. Statfjord ADS adjusted. New off-shore FREQ. Finland sector priority rearranged The following routes are removed: M89, M725, T64, Z11, Z15, Z410. The following routes are new: L197, M185, T505, Z255, Z256, Z258, Z259, Z260, Z261, Z262, Z263, Z264, Z265, Z266, Z267, Z268, Z269, Z272, Z275, Z276, Z277, Z278, Z279, Z280, Z281, Z284, Z285, Z286, Z287, Z288, Z289, Z290, Z299, Z307, Z309, Z312, Z314, Z321, Z322, Z323, Z324, Z325, Z326, Z327, Z328, Z329, Z418. The following routes are revised: L617, L621, L727, L996, L997, M82, M125, M604, M609, M996, N623, P5, P600, P601, P603, P607, P609, P612, P613, P615, P618, P619, P621, P622, P855, P990, P992, P996, T65, T70, T400, T401, Z86, Z101, Z105, Z107, Z108, Z125, Z129, Z132, Z133, Z134, Z135, Z155, Z200, Z202, Z313, Z316, Z320 The following route is withdrawn: KY39 The following routes are revised: KY01, KY04, KY05, KY10, KY11, KY12, KY13, KY14, KY15, KY16, KY18, KY20, KY40, KY41, KY42, KY50. ENR 4.4 SIG points withdrawn: ABLAX, ADEKO, ADROK, AGNON, AKIRI, AMLOL, ANAXA, APSAP, ARDIP, ARKUD, ARLAX, AVERI, BADUM, BAMLO, BANKY, BAPRO, BATSO, BENTI, BERET, BIBRA, BIRLU, BOLNI, DIRBI, DOGGI, DOLFI, EBOGA, EKNES, EKSIN, EPOXI, ERIRA, ETNOR, EVMEL, EVRYS, EXANA, FANCY, FONNI, GALSO, GEVLI, GIRDI, GITRO, GOPOL, GOROM, GRAMU, INLAS, INTIR, IVGAN, KOMIX, KOTEX, KVITO, LAPID, LAREM, LARMO, LASAG, LATSI, LAVMU, LEKSA, LENSI, LINTU, LISNO, LUCKY, LUNAN, LUSED, LUXEN, MADDY, MAMON, MAXIT, MIRVU, MITSU, MOLIB, MONUS, NALIB, NASTI, NEDOG, NESER, NESGA, NEVIG, NIBVA, NORPO, OGNAN, OKELO, OKLAN, ORTAM, OSBON, OSKAS, OSMOL, OSTER, PIRAG, RANAT, REKDA, REKLI, RESGU, RILKO, RINLO, RIRUT, ROGMO, ROKSO, ROLIT, RORBU, RORSI, ROSEB, ROSEN, ROTUR, ROXET, RUDIL, RUNAR, RUPEX, SANDO, SIRDA, SOGLO, SOGRA, SOLRO, SOMES, SOROX, SORVI, SOSOL, SOTAR, SOVES, SOVIG, SOXUS, STONE, SUBEK, SUBUX, SULAD, TAMEG, TELRO, TILVA, TONDI, TORVO, TOSGO, TULGI, TUNIX, TUNOD, TURSI, TUSTA, TUVIG, UGBUG, UGLAN, UMSIS, UPATA, UTIGO, UTIRA, VABUD, VAGSI, VAMIL, VAVIG, VEDOL, VETIG, VEVAS, XEMUK, XETSO New SIG points established: ABNOV, ABRUD, ADEXA, AGLUD, AGNUB, ALENU, AMKIK, AMPOR, AMRUN, AMTUP, APSUS, ARNEN , ASPOM, BAMPU, BANEN, BAPAV, BAPKI, BASOP, BAVSU, BATGI, BAXAB, BAXEP, BEDGO, BEDUT, BEDVI, BEMRO, BEVGU, BOKVO, BUGAG, BULUB, DEVUK, DILRU, DIMAV, DISIX, DITUN, DOKOV, DUNGA, ELKET, ELMOT, EMDEG, EMPES, ERLIX, ERMEG, ERPER, ERUVO, ESEMU, ETNEK, ETPAN, ETSER, EVBON, EVLED, EVMOR, GAKTO, GIGMU, GIGNI, GIPOD, GIRER, GOKTA, GOMDO, GUDPI, INKIB, INLUP, INROT, INSOD, IPMAR, IPNUS, IPTOK, IRGAD, IRGIV, IRKIX, ITVAK , IVLIL, KOXOL, KUVED, KUVOV, KUVUM, LANBO, LAPVU, LEDMO, LUGEK, LUGOV, LUKEX, LURUP, MOMUX, NAXUT, NEDIV, NEGIM, NEVMI, NEVOS, NEVOX, NEXUT, NIDIN, NINED, NULVU, NUMLU, NUNKI, ODLEK, OGDER, OGDIT, OGMUR, OKPAS, OLOSI, OSPAS, OTBIG, PEVEG, PIBEN, PISUB, REGVO, RIKDU, RINLU, ROBMI, ROTGA, RUDUV, SOPLU, SUKES, SUMIP, TEGBO, TIBNO, TUDLU, TUPOG, TURER, TUSRU, TUVUT, UBEDA, UGDOM, ULSIP, ULSUM, UMBUP, UNBOG, UNLEX, UNPUT, UNRUG, UNSET, UPDER, UPEPI, UPGEN, UPKEP, UPMID, UPUPU, URARU, UTILU, UTOGI, UTPIP, UVRON, VADLI, VAVON, VAVOP, VELON, VEVEP, XILDA RNAV point withdrawn: BR501 New RNAV established at ENAL, ENBL, ENBR, ENFL, ENHD, ENKB, ENML, ENOL, ENOV, ENRO, ENSD, ENSG, ENSO, ENVA, ENZV ENBR SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENFL IAC revised. SID/STAR introduced. ENBL IAC revised. SID/STAR and RNAV(GNSS) introduced. ENHD SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENCN SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENKB SID/STAR/IAC revised. VOR RWY 07 withdrawn. ENML SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENRO IAC revised. SID/STAR and RNAV(GNSS) introduced. ENSD IAC revised. SID/STAR and RNAV(GNSS) introduced. ENSG IAC revised. SID/STAR and RNAV(GNSS) introduced. ENSO SID/STAR/IAC revised. RWY designator changed to 14/32. ENZV SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENVA SID/STAR/IAC revised. ENOL SID/STAR/IAC revised. NDB RWY 15 withdrawn. ENOV IAC revised. SID/STAR introduced. ENAL SID/STAR/IAC revised. NDB RWY 25 withdrawn.
  4. Det kan absolutt stemme! STARen lå der, men under de kovensjonelle STARene. Det er rettet opp i. Takk for tipset.
  5. Vi er på saken, men det kan ta litt tid. Eivind
  6. Ny versjon 3.9 AMDT 0114 New SIG points established and withdrawn ENBO - New GND sector and frequency ENHV - IAC revised ENKR - ASMAC introduced. SID and STAR established. IAC revised. VFR Reporting point established ENKB - STAR revised ENGM - SID revised Nye filer kan lastes ned via Euroscope som vanlig. Dropboxlink om du vil laste ned selv: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16066714/Norway_NC_2014_01_v39.7z
  7. Ny versjon. God Jul! Version 3.8 AMDT 0513 New SIG points established: ELPUM, IXILO, ULTUL, XODBA, BN404 New RNAV points established: BN404, BN405, BN406, BN410 RNAV points withdrawn: BN407 ATS Route P607 revised ENBN - SID, RNAV (GNSS) PROC established ENHK - RNAV (GNSS) RWY 11 revised ENZV - STAR RWY 18/36 revised. IAC RWY 18/36 revised ENVA - SID RWY 27 revised. Nye filer kan lastes ned via Euroscope som vanlig. Dropboxlink om du vil laste ned selv: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16066714/Norway_NC_2013_05_v38.7z
  8. Ny versjon er klar noen dager forsinket. Version 3.7 AMDT 0413 ATS Route T311 and Z183 established. N150, P607 and P850 revised New SIG points and RNAV points established OSLO TMA, Finnmark TIA S and N realigned ENBL - GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedures established. NDB procedure withdrawn. ENBN - GLS procedure revised. ENFL - RNAV (GNSS) procedures established. ENGM - CTR realigned. ENSH - TIZ realigned. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedures established. ENSA - New AFIS freq Gardermoen Delivery split into West 121.67 and East 121.92 Gardermoen Ground ownership corrected Gardermoen Ground holding points NOLAC and SOMBI introduced Tampere Sector 7 ownership adjusted Nye filer kan lastes ned via Euroscope som vanlig. Dropboxlink om du vil laste ned selv: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16066714/Norway_NC_2013_04_v37.7z
  9. Kun en liten oppdatering som omsider igjen har Gardermoen PMS Range rings kartet. Dette kartet finnes under STARS - ENGM STARS RWY 01/19 PMS RANGE Denne skal være tilgjengelig for nedlastning via Euroscope straks. Eventuelt via Dropbox: Norway NC 3.5 AMDT 0313 Ha en god dag. Eivind
  10. Jan Tore har laget nye bakkegeo for Gardermoen slik flyplassen er i dag. Ny sektorfil kan lastes ned via Euroscope. Version 3.5 AMDT 3213 Gardermoen taxiway system changed Dropboxlink om du vil laste ned selv: Norway NC 3.5 AMDT 0313 HOTFIX for å laste ned øyeblikkelig via Euroscope EuroScope er bygget på en sånn måte at den benytter Internet Explorer for å se etter oppdateringer til filene. Desverre er det innebygget en cache-funksjon i IE som gjør at det kan ta inntil 72 timer før du får beskjed om at nye filer er tilgjengelig. En workaround er som følger: Åpne Internet Explorer, og åpne denne URL: http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/euroscope/sectorfiles/norway/ENOR_sector_files.txt Trykk så CTRL + F5. Du vil nå se at textdokumentet som vises er oppdatert til 2013_02_v34. Du kan nå restarte ES, og innen noen minutter vil du få beskjed om at en ny sektorfil er tilgjengelig. Installation and Setup 1) 1. Start Euroscope. 2. When Euroscope asks you to select a Profile, click [Cancel] 3. Click ”OPEN SCT” on the top bar inside Euroscope, and select ”Download Sector Files …” 4. Locate ”Euroscope main sector file provider” in the list, and make sure there is a green tick in the AUTO column. 5. Select ”Euroscope main sector file provider” and click [Download] in the upper section of the window and then [update]. 6. There should now be an entry in the list named ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway”, if you dont see it, try step 5 again. 7. Locate and click ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway” in the list. Note: The filename give you the whereabouts of the files downloaded by Euroscope. This is the path where the downloaded sectorfiles. Note down or remember the path, it will be needed later in this guide. 8. and click [Download] in the upper section of the window, and then [update]. 9. Now there should be a sector file in the list below named ”Norway – Vatsim-Scandinavia” Version 2013_03_v35. 10. Make sure there is a green tick in the ”A” box of the sector file. This means that Euroscope will activate the automatick download of this sector file each time euroscope starts. 11. Click [Download] , and as soon as the file is downloaded, the ”D” box will get a green tick. This means that the sector file is successfully downloaded. 12. Exit Euroscope, and countinue on either the ”2a” or the ”2b” section on the next page. 2 2a) First time users 1. Start Euroscope 2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path you noted down on step 7. And select “Norway_NC.prf”, click [Open]. 3. If the “Sectorfile not found” dialog box shows up, click [Yes]. 4. This should load the complete NATCON profile, including the plugin, ATIS and two ASR files. Note: Remember that you will have to reconfigure the audio settings of euroscope after the update. That means the "push to talk"-key , "audio-in and audio-out devices" and squelsh/bassfilter have to be reconfigured 2b) Users who want to use their own profiles, and just want to update the Sectorfile 1. Start Euroscope 2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path of you own Profile file and select it, and click [Open]. 3. Click Open SCT, and select “Load Sector file”. 4. Browse to the path you noted down on step 7, select the Norway_NC_2013_03_v35.sct file, and click [Open] =
  11. Da lurer jeg på om du ville vært interessert i å bidra med å sette opp et såkalt MLAT system sammen med Flightradar24.com i Finnmark. Systemet bruker triangulering for å angi posisjonen til fly med mode-S transponder, dvs at fly fra f.eks Widerøe og Lufttransport vil bli synlige på Flightradar24. Selv skal jeg og noen av mine kollegaer prøve å sette opp opptil fire mottakere i området rundt Kirkenes, men ideelt bør det stå mottakere så mange steder som mulig. Dersom du har mulighet til å sette opp en mottaker på et hustak, eller annet høyt sted med klar sikt til horisonten, gjerne i nærheten av en flyplass i Finnmark, hadde jeg satt pris på en mail (etfosse(a)yahoo.no)eller PM fra deg så vi kan diskutere saken nærmere. Systemet trenger ikke å kobles til noen datamaskin, men må ha tilgang til internett 24 timer i døgnet. Flightradar24 kan være interessert i å sponse alt av utstyr for å få systemet på plass. Ta kontakt dersom du er interessert i å hjelpe! Ha en fin dag, Eivind
  12. Flott, da skal jeg se på det! Takk for det.
  13. Når noen lager scenery for nye Gardermoen. Jeg har ikke fått med meg at det er laget enda..?
  14. AIP Norge er oppdatert til AMDT 0313. Ny sektorfil kan lastes ned via Euroscope. Version 3.4 AMDT 3213 ATS route Z210 renamed Z253 New SIG points and RNAV points established SIG points EREXU and DENAN withdrawn Draugen HTZ realigned Berlevåg TIZ realigned Båtsfjord TIZ realigned Hasvik TIZ realigned Vadsø TIZ realigned ENBV - IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established ENBS - IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established ENHF - IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established ENHK- IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established ENVD - IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established, NDB-A procedure removed ENRS - VOR/DME ROS, VOR part withdrawn. IAC revised. GLS and RNAV (GNSS) procedure established HOTFIX for å laste ned øyeblikkelig EuroScope er bygget på en sånn måte at den benytter Internet Explorer for å se etter oppdateringer til filene. Desverre er det innebygget en cache-funksjon i IE som gjør at det kan ta inntil 72 timer før du får beskjed om at nye filer er tilgjengelig. En workaround er som følger: Åpne Internet Explorer, og åpne denne URL: http://www.vatsim-scandinavia.org/euroscope/sectorfiles/norway/ENOR_sector_files.txt Trykk så CTRL + F5. Du vil nå se at textdokumentet som vises er oppdatert til 2013_02_v33. Du kan nå restarte ES, og innen noen minutter vil du få beskjed om at en ny sektorfil er tilgjengelig. Installation and Setup 1) 1. Start Euroscope. 2. When Euroscope asks you to select a Profile, click [Cancel] 3. Click ”OPEN SCT” on the top bar inside Euroscope, and select ”Download Sector Files …” 4. Locate ”Euroscope main sector file provider” in the list, and make sure there is a green tick in the AUTO column. 5. Select ”Euroscope main sector file provider” and click [Download] in the upper section of the window and then [update]. 6. There should now be an entry in the list named ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway”, if you dont see it, try step 5 again. 7. Locate and click ”Vatsim-Scandinavia – Norway” in the list. Note: The filename give you the whereabouts of the files downloaded by Euroscope. This is the path where the downloaded sectorfiles. Note down or remember the path, it will be needed later in this guide. 8. and click [Download] in the upper section of the window, and then [update]. 9. Now there should be a sector file in the list below named ”Norway – Vatsim-Scandinavia” Version 2013_03_v34. 10. Make sure there is a green tick in the ”A” box of the sector file. This means that Euroscope will activate the automatick download of this sector file each time euroscope starts. 11. Click [Download] , and as soon as the file is downloaded, the ”D” box will get a green tick. This means that the sector file is successfully downloaded. 12. Exit Euroscope, and countinue on either the ”2a” or the ”2b” section on the next page. 2 2a) First time users 1. Start Euroscope 2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path you noted down on step 7. And select “Norway_NC.prf”, click [Open]. 3. If the “Sectorfile not found” dialog box shows up, click [Yes]. 4. This should load the complete NATCON profile, including the plugin, ATIS and two ASR files. Note: Remember that you will have to reconfigure the audio settings of euroscope after the update. That means the "push to talk"-key , "audio-in and audio-out devices" and squelsh/bassfilter have to be reconfigured 2b) Users who want to use their own profiles, and just want to update the Sectorfile 1. Start Euroscope 2. When asked to “Open a profile file”, browse to the path of you own Profile file and select it, and click [Open]. 3. Click Open SCT, and select “Load Sector file”. 4. Browse to the path you noted down on step 7, select the Norway_NC_2013_03_v34.sct file, and click [Open] =
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