Problemer med SB3. Disconnecded.
Ikke igen !! Det største problem med serverne er ikke mangel på penge, men at vi bruger internettet, med alle dens fejl, til at flyve online. De fleste gange man bliver "disconnected" er fordi... 1) opdateringen mellem serverne er for langsom, og nogle informationer derved går tabt. De fleste gange dette problem opstår, skyldes det routing problemer på internettet. 2) fejl i brugerens ende (computer, programmer, router, ISP) Da alle vores brugere ikke er computer-eksperter, så vil der forekomme mange fejl her. Jeg kan ikke se hvordan penge kan løse disse problemer
[CPT] Pilot invitation - EYVI, Vilnius
Hi I would like, to invite you, to participate in a CPT in Lithuania, this sunday, 13 November 2005. The CPT will be held at EYVI - Vilnius and will begin at 19:00UTC (20:00 CET). Duration approx. 2 hours. Candidate: Arunas Stankevicius (VACC-Lithuania) Examiner: Michal Rok (EUD-TD) Flightplans (EUroute): Inbound EYVI: http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?dep=%&arr=EYVI Outbound EYVI: http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?dep=EYVI&arr=% Procedures, Charts and Scenery: Lithuania VACC: http://www.lt-vacc.org/ Charts: http://www.lt-vacc.org/charts.htm Scenery: http://www.lt-vacc.org/Downloads.htm This CPT, is one of the final steps in making VACC-Lithuania an official VACC, so please.... Come fly... and have fun. There will be no sign-up for this CPT, but if you plan to fly, I would appriciate a short reply, just to get an idea of the number of pilots. Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner
[CPT] Pilot invitation - EETN, Tallinn
** Bump **
[CPT] Pilot invitation - EETN, Tallinn
Hi I would like, to invite you, to participate in a CPT in Estonia, this saturday, 05 November 2005. The CPT will be held at EETN - Tallinn and will begin at 19:00Z (20:00 CET). Duration approx. 2 hours. Candidate: Kaspar Reili (VACC-Estonia) Examiner: Peter I. Nielsen (EUD-TD) Flightplans (EUroute): Inbound EETN: http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?dep=%&arr=EETN Outbound EETN: http://www.euroutepro.com/fp/fp_main.php?dep=EETN&arr=% Procedures, Charts and Scenery: Estonia VACC: http://www.estvacc.net/ This CPT, is one of the final steps in making VACC-Estonia an official VACC, so please.... Come fly... and have fun. There will be no sign-up for this CPT, but if you plan to fly, I would like a short mail, stating departure and arrival ICAO, just to get an idea of the number of pilots. All the adjacent VACCs and control-positions are also incouraged to open during the CPT, as we expect a huge amount of traffic Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner eudtd5@vateud-td.org
Senior Controller CPT
I will just add, that every pilot that want to be part of the CPT Pilot Group, are very welcome to sign up here: http://www.vacc.dk/eud_cpt/cptmain.asp No special requirements are needed .... just that you are able to handle your aircraft properly and respond/act on ATC instructions For the more experienced pilots , a variety of special assignments is added to some of the flight in a CPT. The Examiner can also ask you to perform a special assignment during the test, without prenotice. I hope to see a lot of Pilots helping out as CPT Pilots. Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD Chief Examiner
Where precisely is it that you are trying to login ? If it´s the pilot resource center (prc) then you need to sign up with another password than your vatsim-pw... just as it is stated on the site If it´s another place, then I tell us and then we might be able to help
BAW invaderer Norge
The only rule regarding military flights on VATSIM, to my knowledge, is that they must not have a political purpose/issue (flying the F-16 into/over Iraq or other political sensitive areas etc). But if you want to fire up the F-16 and make some border-patrols in Norway or anything like that, then noone will bother you. I have several times had a F-16 pilot make intercepts on other pilots (with their and my knowledge and consent)... which have made the flight more fun for both the military and civil pilots. Dogfights and other "agressive" flights are normally not allowed, but could be, if kept in a specific, closed area and inside a specified time-frame, designated by the VACC (so not to bother other traffic). Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner VATSIM Supervisor
Frustrerende problem
The whole answer is to be found here: http://vateur.org/faq.htm#S-11 along with a couple of other faq
CPT Pilot request - EKCH & EBBR
Having looked at the statistics for this forum and the pilots signed up as CPT Pilots from this area (Scandinavia), I have a question.... What is it that does that you don´t want to help out at CPTs as pilots (even in own area) ? Is it not challeging enough ? Do you not get enough info ? Is it the wrong day / time ? I ask because i can see a lot of people reading about the CPTs, but only 12 pilots have signed up as CPT Pilots from Scandinavia (DK:6, N:5, S:1), and I would have thought that more would be interested. Let me know what I, as Chief Examiner, can do to get more people to help out. Open to all suggestions and ideas.
CPT Pilot request - EKCH & EBBR
There is going to be 2 CPT in the coming days, where more pilots are needed. The first one is in EKCH - Copenhagen on Sunday, May 23, 2004, 19:00z The second one is in EBBR - Brussel on Tuesday, May 25, 2004, 18:00z To join these CPTs please follow the instructions below. Remember, that helping out as pilot at CPTs is the way to get more qualified Controllers in the future. -- Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner ******************************************************************************* ** Pilot Instructions ** ******************************************************************************* 1) Go to the CPT System http://www.vacc.dk/eud_cpt/cptmain.asp 2) Click Pilot signup 3) Fill out all the fields and press <continue> 4) You are now added to the CPT System as a pilot and you will recieve a mail with confirmation within minuttes 5) Go to the main menu again and use your VATSIM CID and new password (the one selected during signup) to login to the system 6) Click on <List pending> CPTs 7) Select a CPT that is suitable for you 8) You will now see a list of pilot slots for this CPT. All available slots are marked "Book flight" and if you hover the mouse over the link(s), a window with flight-details will open. 9) Select a flight of own choice and confirm the choice on the next page. 10) You will recive a mail with your flight details shortly after confirming the booking. 11) That's it.... you have now signed up as pilot-participant for the CPT.... Thank you ! ******************************************************************************* As the system is still in beta-testing, you may run into any problems during the procedure. If you do, please send a detailed report about the problem (page, error and other relevant info) to me at eudtd5@vateud-td.org All kind of feedback/comments/ideas are very welcome. Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner
CPT - Sunday, may 9th 2004 at 18:30z (EKCH)
CPT - Sunday, may 9th 2004 at 18:30z (EKCH)
Hi all Once again, the EUD Chief Examiner Office are in need of pilots for a CPT. The CPT is scheduled for Sunday, may 9th 2004 at 18:30z (20:30 local) at EKCH - Copenhagen, Denmark. In connection to this CPT, we will beta-test some parts of a new CPT admin System, which is still under development. This means that you will have to follow the procedure below to join as a pilot for the CPT. ******************************************************************************* ** Pilot Instructions ** ******************************************************************************* 1) Go to the CPT System http://www.vacc.dk/eud_cpt/cptmain.asp 2) Click Pilot signup 3) Fill out all the fields and press <continue> 4) You are now added to the CPT System as a pilot and you will recieve a mail with confirmation within minuttes 5) Go to the main menu again and use your CID and new password to login to the system 6) Click on <List pending> CPTs 7) Select the appropriate CPT (# 108 in this case) 8) You will now see a list of pilot slots for this CPT. All available slots are marked "Book flight" and if you hover the mouse over the link(s), a window with flight-details will open. 9) Select a flight of own choice and confirm the choice on the next page. 10) You will recive a mail with your flight details shortly after confirming the booking. 11) That´s it.... you have now signed up as pilot-participant for the CPT.... Thank you ! ******************************************************************************* If you run into any problems during the procedure, please send a detailed report about the problem (page, error and other relevant info) to me at eudtd5@vateud-td.org All kind of feedback/comments are very welcome. Regards Jon Klose Larsen EUD-TD5 Chief Examiner
I don´t believe that voice will ever be the primary way of communicating on VATSIM, for the simple reason, that it will exclude the members that have a speaking or hearing problem. And yes, I can easily understand your frustrations as pilot on a buzy final. Jon
My guess is that your list of servers in SquawkBox are the ones that came with the program......right ? If so, then you need to update that list, either manually or by using ServInfo. If not, then you will have to supply us with more specific info about what you have installed and in what order you start the different programs. Hope that you will find a solution soon. Regards Jon
Controller CPT test ENGM Søndag 29 FEB 04
Just a friendly reminder, that we are still in need of more pilots for tonight. So please join in tonight and make the controllers work hard Jon