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Christian Hogstad

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  1. Hei! Det nye freeware internettbladet er nå åpnet som noen av dere kanskje allerede har sett. Bladet heter FSIn-Flight og er skrevet på engelsk og drevet av Andrew Tingle (AndrTin@aol.com). Hvis du har lyst og skrive en artkkel eller andre ting som har med FS å gjøre til oss så send meg en mail på chrihog@online.no . Vi håper at dere har lyst til og gi noe tilbake til FS samfunnet! Trykk på linken for og komme til siden. FSI Magazine MVH Christian Hogstad Sub-Editor
  2. [image]http://www.geocities.com/worldbava/fscrjbann.jpg[/image] *PUBLIC NEWS RELEASE* The FSIn-flight Team are proud to announce that they have now settled on an internal structure for the group, and that they have also gained web hosting for their new freeware online magazine. FSIn-flight Magazine will take the form of a full-featured, professionally produced online publication tailored specifically for MS Flight Simulator users which will serve to promote features, interviews, articles and reviews by the users themselves. As the foundations for the production and publication of the magazine are now firmly established we are pleased to inform you that submissions will now be accepted from the MSFS community with view to publication in the magazine. Any individuals who are interested in contributing MSFS related material for possible publication in FSIn-flight Magazine’s first issue can gain further detailed information with regard to our vision and our submission guidelines at: http://fsgateway.com/fs-inflight-magazine/ Regards, FSIn-Flight Team