Alt skrevet av Sebastian Palm
Air Nordic
Dear Flightsim Community. For some time now I have been working on idea for a Virtual Airline that will be based in Scandinavia, providing long haul service for Scandinavia. The name, logo and the fleet has already been set, the fleet will concist of two Boeing 767-200ER and our initial routes will be: Stockholm - New York/JFK 4X WEEK Stockholm - Chicago 3X WEEK Stockholm - Shanghai 3X WEEK Stockholm - Hong Kong 4X WEEK Our expansion plans includes flights from Oslo to New York and Bangkok aswell as various flights from Stockholm and Copenhagen. Now what we are looking for are dedicated people who would like to work and develop this airline. If you feel this could be the virtual airline for you, please contact me via mail or msn what we are in need of at the moment is a webdesigner who could help us design our website. As I said, anyone who are interested is welcome to contact me to find out more about this airline and it's future. Here below is some general information about the airline itself. NAME: AIR NORDIC ICAO: ANC IATA: AN CALL: BLUENORTH Contact Information MSN: EMAIL: CEO Air Nordic Sebastian Palm Stockholm, Sweden
Sterling Virtual Forum
Hi everybody, Sterling Virtual forum is finally up and running, if you have any questions or concerns there is the place to ask, we will also show you previews of our upcoming repaints wich are all underway so step right in. Best Regards Sebastian Palm CEO Sterling Virtual
Sterling Virtual is recruiting Flight Officer
hehe man får en mer "internationell" look på det hela =P
Sterling Virtual is recruiting Flight Officer
Sterling Virtual is recruiting Flight Officer and Staff After almost a year of work, Sterling Virtual is finally accepting Flight Officers for it’s three Hub’s: Stockholm, Copenhagen and Oslo. The site is on a temporary address it will only be there for a day or two until we move to our final domain (to be announced). We are also recruiting staff the following positions we are in need of is: Public Relation Manager: The PR Manager is responsible for all out public appearances such as press releases etc. Is also the spokesman for our pilots and the one the pilots turn to when they have thoughts, complains, suggestions etc. Fleet Manager: This person is responsible for our airline to have the best model for our Boeing 737NG and is making the repaints of our aircraft and also keeping an eye on the real Sterling’s aircrafts. VATSIM Manager: The person is educating our pilots in online flying responsible for training material and must be able to hell online courses. Must have good knowledge in online flying. Rotation Plan Manager: Person is responsible for maintaining our rotation plans that the aircrafts follow. . *All staff must have some type of instant messenger ICQ or MSN. Sterling Virtual Operate 9 state of the art Boeing 737-800 wich flies from Scandinavia to Spain, Portugal, France, Czech, Greece and Turkey as the real Sterling do. We hope you find Sterling Virtual to be your virtual airline of choice. Sterling Virtual Staff
Sterling Virtual.....
Hello everyone, as you may have noticed nothing much has happened to Sterling Virtual the last couple of months, thats because we are still looking for a webmanager who can finish up the site for us. Whats basicly left to is: The login system, the booking system, automated pireps and some other small parts but the most important thing is to get site online with a working booking system and automated Pireps. If anyone is interested please contact me on or if you have one of theese instans messengers. ICQ: 169345030 MSN: [image][/image]
Hi everybody now when you have made yourself at home ion the new bus, I realized that the orginal model is sucking a little to much fps from my computer so I downloaded POSKY model and copied the sound and panel folder and then I changed everything in the aircrafts cfg file to PSS except Contact Points. It is working okey but there are a bug bothering me. I fly the A330-200 so I copied the A330-200 panel, but when I enter my aircraft the ECAM is showing me that I am in an A340, but the throttles are an A330 so it is just the lower and uper ECAM that is showing A340 values. Have anyone a solution to this? I use POSKY version 1 Best Regard Sebastian Palm
Sterling Virtual is hiring a web manager.
Sterling Virtual is looking for a qualified Web Manager to do the remaining of our site and to manage it in the future. And since the page is done in PHP and MySQL we expect that you have good knowledge in making homepages and working with PHP and MYSQL. Your Sincerely Administation Sterling Virtual
Linken til virtual Sterling
Hello, whats taking time is that our old webmanager has decided to leave due to that he is moving to Västerås and the studies will take too much of his time so he cant go on with the site, but we have found a replacer that is equal in skills to this one we have right now so "no harm done". We wont set an opening date due to we dont know how long time this can take, among whats left to do is our highly comlicated booking system (Easy for you to use a killer for the programmers )and also some other small things. We want the site to be in tip top when we release it. We still courage pilots to join, we have got great response so far and Stockholm is almost half full so we are really glad in your support and enthuiasm. Sebastian Palm CEO Sterling Virtual
Sterling Virtual now accepting Pilots!
Hi, I am really glad too se the interest is so big and many pilots have allready signed up so the HUBs are starting to fill up . Regarding the VATSIM demand we have thought like this: All the staff members are currently fly online and we want to encourage other people that dont fly to start but we realize that it can be hard to do it over a night so therefor we have hired Johan Vágadal a newly examed pilot wich have made a whole site regarding everything you need to know about online flying, also we will arrange online training session where one of our highly experienced staff members will train you. If you want to sign up and dont have a VATSIM ID just write NONE and then will joni Sterling Virtual Online Training program so we know Fly Safe! Best Regard Sterling Virtual Staff
Sterling Virtual now accepting Pilots!
We are now accepting Flight Officers for our three HUBs: Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen visit to sign up. Below are information on how many pilots we accept at each HUB Stockholm: 45 Oslo: 40 Copenhagen: 45 Total: 130 So hurry to sign up! As we are simulating the real Sterling and have been approved by them to use their name and logo, we have got their official rotation plans wich will make our timetable 100% as the real one. Our timetable will not be like any other VA´s, we will have bookable flights and thoose will be suited after our rotation plans. We have not set an opening date for our operations yet but it will not be too long that we can guarantee! Best Regards Sterling Virtual Staff
Sterling VA snart åpent :)
No no site yet but it is coming in the end of july/begining of august
Sterling VA snart åpent :)
Yes it is me that is the chief , it is true we opened about a year but due to lack of interest we had to shut down but now the interest is sky high for Sterling and we have managed to fill all staff positions (7) except this one so we are in dying need for a repainter. When we will open we will have something that beats the mosts virtual airlines around, an absolutely 100% timetable-. We at Sterling Virtual have managed to get hold of the actual Sterlings Rotation Plans this mean that you will be able to fly "Unscheduled charter" to many different destinations around the world. Our timetable will be based on this one so you will book your flights. More info coming closer to the opening date, and just a little correction the flight operations will begin 4th august we will be accepting Flight Officers in the end of July we will accept a total of 130 pilots (Just as the real Sterling has see crew list below) but right now the most important thing is to find a repainter who can repaint the PMDG, FFX and FFG models for us. Crew List: Stockholm: 45 Copenhagen: 45 Oslo: 40 Total: 130 Sebastian Palm CEO Sterling Virtual
Sterling Virtual hires a repainter.
Sterling Virtual is getting closer and closer to the opening day and right now we are fixing the last parts of the the site. We have managed to fill every Staff Position except Fleet Manager in other words our repainter. We are in urgent need to get as soon as possible due to that we want OY-MRI and OY-MRK to be painted in PMDGs colors untill our opening. If you are interested please rely... CEO Sterling Virtual Sebastian Palm
GOODjet Virtual
Ja ett GOODjet Virtual håller på att ta form vi söker just nu personal som kan hjälpa oss med diverse uppgifter vår domän kommer att ligga på men den ligger inte där än e ni intresserade svara på topicen eller kontakta mig på
Sterling VIrtual now accepts pilots
Oh I forgot a contact me link but are you interested in some position? my e-mail is and Is it the news color that doesent match?
Sterling VIrtual now accepts pilots
Hi everybody after a turbulent startat least to say where finally of and are now accepting pilots the site isnt ready yet but we are making big progress every day for you that wants to pilot visit and click at the recruuitment page. And I love to hear what you think about the site. Sebastian Palm CEO SEAV
Sterling Logga sökes
Hej allesammans jag letar efter en bra Sterling logga någon som vet var man kan få tag i en sådan? Sebastian Palm
Sterling VIrtual
Mr Thomas would you like the job as repainter for our airlinw? And would you like to mail me red if it is ready for release also we are in grat need for someone who could create a logo for us wich will use the same style and says something like Sterling Virtual.
Sterling VIrtual
Thanks for the answer I have also seen the preview pics for Thomas Sterling 737 do you think he would be interested in a painting job? Flemming are you interested in any position at Sterling European Airways Virtual SEAV as it will be called. MVH Sebastian Palm
Sterling VIrtual
Hello my name is Sebastian Palm and I am from Sweden but I preffer to write in English. My question is if someone here would like to help me start the VA Sterling Virtual. I am looking for the following persons: A repainter we will use AFG model 737-800 and paint every single aircraft in the fleet 6 (blue X2, red, green, yellow and light blue), a person who are good in creating logos. A crew relation manager he will assign flight assingments to pilots and write the weekly newsletter and A destination Manager who will keep an eye on new routes and update the timetable if necessary. If any of this sounds interesting reply to the topic or contact me on .Shortly a link will be added for you that want to sign up as pilots but thats all for now