I was a CPT Pilot, not to long ago..
But I had to quit due to my homework and less spare time, some thing just got to go.
But now as the summer comes, I will get much more time to fly on my flight simulator, so I'll consider joining in a not to distant future.
Another ting, and this may sound silly..
I'm not to keen about the "pause" mode over the point you are going to start from during the test, I'm one of them who almost never touch the pause button, and I like to fly from one airport to another, and join the test over the exact point when the test should start.
This have worked, but sometimes the test are running for a delay, and I've got to start circling around the entry point, whitch is OK.
But, the pause will not be used during my flight..
In the last CPT tests I've been flying VFR, giving me more freedome, so I'll guess I will continue flying VFR as long as my service is requested.