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Odd Goderstad

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  1. quote: Opprinnelig postet av Alf Trygve Åsen: Husker ikke navn på sang eller artist, men likevel: "Jeg Skal kjøpe vinger for pengene og fly høyt over engene" Det var Micael Rickfors, Låta heter: Vingar, låta er dritbra. Noen andre: Abba - Eagle Blue Rodeo - Flying Captain Hollywood Project - Flying High Cartouche - Touch The Sky celine dion -Fly Cliff Richard - Flying Machine David Bowie - Space Oddity (Major Tom) (OK, det er romfart) DMX - Let Me Fly Dune-Are You Ready To Fly Frank Sinatra - Come Fly With Me Genesis - In the Air Tonight Grandaddy - He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's the Pilot Ilse de Lange - Flying Solo John Denver - Fly Away John Denver - Leavin On A Jet Plane John DenverB - On the Wings of An Eagle Johnny Cash - Ghost Riders In The Sky Kiki's Delivery Service - Soaring Leilani - Flying Elvis Long John Baldry-Flying LUTRICIA MCNEAL - FLY AWAY Max Webster - Night Flights Merle Haggard.Silver Wings Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells III - Far Above the Clouds Nelly Furtado - I am Like a Bird (I Want to Fly Away) Nice Little Penguins - Flying R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly Rednex__The spirit of the hawk REM - You're In The Air Roxette - Wish I Could Fly Rune Rudberg - Vinger Over Europa Sara Evens-Born To Fly seal-fly_like_an_eagle Soniq- Sky sydney forest - soaring The Dead Milkmen - Air Crash Museum This Flight Tonight - Nazareth Thomas Dolby - Flying North Tina Turner - On Silent Wings Tom Petty - Learning to Fly Troop - Spread my wings up,up and away -the 5th dimension Van Halen - Higher Van Halen - Where Eagles Fly Westlife - Flying Without Wings