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Robert Hulthin

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Alt skrevet av Robert Hulthin

  1. Høres bra ut savner litt trafikk på kysten her i nord (Norge)
  2. versjon 2 ute https://flightsim.to/file/9529/global-ai-ship-traffic-msfs-v1
  3. Oppdatering https://flightsim.to/file/16350/cessna-208b-grand-caravan-ex-improvement-mod
  4. Flotte bilder Ernst Slenger med linken til båtene Installeres i community https://flightsim.to/file/9529/global-ai-ship-traffic-msfs-v1
  5. https://flightsim.to/file/18647/pmdg-dc-6b-braathens-2020
  6. Legger til Invite til discord her https://discord.gg/trhXY6cW
  7. https://www.flightsimulator.com/august-19th-2021-development-update/ In order to ensure that World Update 6 reaches a very high level of quality, we have decided to move back the release date to September 7th. We are very excited about this update as it features many enhancements to the region, including new aerials and elevation maps, new photogrammetry cities, 4 hand-crafted airports , nearly 100 POIs and new discovery flights, landing challenges, and bush trips. It’s a ton of content and we want to make sure that it will be great. In the meantime, here are some highlights from the World Update 6 release notes:
  8. Fine bilder Ja flott maskin
  9. Flotte bilder som alltid selv i hverdagen
  10. https://flightsim.to/file/14952/king-air-350i-improvement-mod-jd
  11. The Daher TBM 930 can climb to its certified ser- vice ceiling of 31,000 ft. in just over 18 min. when departing from sea level at its maximum takeoff weight. This performance exceeds the vast majority of tur- boprops and some light jets, allowing the operator to climb faster above weather and to fly more of the trip at higher, more fuel-efficient altitudes – reducing operating costs while at the same time enhancing passenger comfort.
  12. maks høyde på tbmèn er 31000fot
  13. Virker denne for siste update ? https://flightsim.to/file/5005/treefix-for-the-nortwestern-part-of-norway-m-r-area
  14. Ikke jeg heller dukket bare tilfeldigvis opp
  15. Ny oppdatering Working Title CJ4 v0.12.7. This version brings some post MSFS Sim Update 5 fixes. https://www.workingtitle.aero/packages/cj4/2021/08/12/cj4-release-v0.12.7.html
  16. https://flightsim.to/file/16350/cessna-208b-grand-caravan-ex-improvement-mod?fbclid=IwAR2sg88_S5AijPoasXzE5FlSYSt5cDXcN09rIGx1Sm_C5GScNyawiY3ceg0
  17. Kom en ny oppdatering på bla. xbox i mirosoft store her nå
  18. Prøvd med en runde med ccleaner registerrens ?
  19. Kom en liten oppdatering på denne https://github.com/Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages/releases/download/g1000-v0.4.1/workingtitle-g1000-v0.4.1.zip A small update for the legacy WT G1000 to 0.4.1 - this fixes the issue with the MFD range knob. Important Note: The legacy G1000 mod is now simply the stock G1000 + engine pages. You cannot have the Working Title Simulations G1000 NXi from the Marketplace installed and the legacy WT G1000 installed at the same time. If you want to use the NXi, uninstall the legacy mod, and if you want to use the legacy mod, uninstall the NXi.
  20. Ny versjon av fra Working Title LEGACY G1000 v0.4.0 (THIS IS NOT THE NXi) - https://www.workingtitle.aero/packages/g1000/2021/05/25/g1000-release-v0.4.0.html En kan ikke ha begge inne samtidig !
  21. fra community mappa
  22. Tok vekk båttrafikken da sluttet stuttringen
  23. En tur ENBO-ENDU (Bodø-Bardufoss)oss med nypainten noe dårlig bildekvalitet
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