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Etter at jeg skiftet skjermkort (Geforce 2 MX 32MB PCI) har krysset i PC blitt sort istedenfor grått. Altså det krysset du finner ut hdg med. Har reinnstallert PC flere ganger uten resultat, noen som har noen forslag?


Henrik Wingerei



En klok tysker hadde svaret, og for andre som har det samme problemet er det dette du skal gjøre:


it has nothing to do with either the drivers or the other things mentioned so far. It´s a question of the mouse cursor scheme in Windows. Just open the control panel/mouse and click on the tab "pointer" (hope that´s the right one, I have a german version of Windows . Change the scheme to 3D-Cursor and you will see that the crosshair in ProController is now colored with a light grey.



Martin Georg/EDDF


Henrik Wingerei

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