Dag Baardsen Skrevet 19. mars 2022 Del Skrevet 19. mars 2022 Har ikke testet enda, men her er'n: https://flightsim.to/file/29620/jan-mayensfield-island-enja Ingen modellering, kun standardobjekter/bygninger, men litt lettere å lande i mørket. Egenskaper: added runway at the right elevation and runway lights (as it should be in real life) night lighting added various buildings and objects added windsock added NDB (freq : 362) added building and objects for meteo station located southwest of the island created cliffs at Olonkinbyen (the only settlement on the island which also holds a weather station and radio station) added some vegetation Siter Lenke til kommentar Del på andre sider More sharing options...
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