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Virtual Norwegian Air Force gjenåpner dørene!

Karl Mathias Moberg

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Virtual Royal Norwegian Air Force opens to the public!

Halden, Norway—August 25, 2011—

The Virtual Royal Norwegian Air Force (VRNoAF) announced this evening that it will open it's doors to the public on Saturday August 27, 2011 at 2000GMT for the relaunch of the website, after over two years of downtime.


"It's really exciting! We have spent a lot of time making this a fun experience!" Karl Mathias Moberg, the CEO of the Virtual Airline said Thursday before the launch. "We have great hopes and expectations for the VA in the upcoming weeks and months, and hope our pilots will enjoy it!" Moberg continued.


The virtual military air force has spent a great deal of time and effort into ensuring a proper pilot training program and proper procedures have been put in place, and that pilots will have received adequate training before they are put into live missions.


Fixed wing nuggets will start out at Sheppard AFB in Texas where they will be flying their first hours, ensuring proper aircraft knowledge is acquired before they get transferred to an active squadron stationed somewhere in Norway.


New helicopter pilots preform a different training program, based out of Bardufoss, Norway where they will be taught proper SAR and tactical procedures.


As of writing, the launch date has been set to Saturday 27th of August 2000 GMT. This time could be adjusted to ensure that everything works smoothly before launch. Updated information can be found at www.vrnoaf.org. Should the date need to be pushed, more information can be found at http://twitter.com/vnoaf.




The VRNoAF is a virtual air force, and have no connections to the real life Norwegian Air Force.

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Ønsker å dra denne opp igjen.


Virtual Royal Norwegian Air Force er åpen for alle som ønsker å bli med.


Åpent for alle, enten du vil fly jagerfly, kremvisper eller transportfly.


Vi trenger også en del lederstilliger satt, disse er:


AF/A3 Air Force Chief of Security

AF/A4 Air Force Chief of Training

AF/A5 Air Force Chief of Resources


Det er også ledig for skvadronssjefer i følgende skvadroner:


332 Skvadron (F-16)

334 Skvadron (NH-90)

338 Skvadron (F-16)

339 Skvadron (Bell 412)

717 Skvadron (DA-20)

720 Skvadron (Bell 412)



Er du interrisert? Meld deg på da! www.vrnoaf.org


Spørsmål kan taes her eller pr mail, afa2(at)vrnoaf.org



For å presisere, ja det er 16 års aldersgrense, dette ble bestemt i et staff møte før vi åpnet.

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Jeg leste noe om gjenåpning etter å ha søkt på Google men det var nok en gammel tråd. Det hadde vært artig å hatt et eget Vnoaf - arrangert Tiger Meet med andre virtuelle skvadroner etc. Jeg arbeider med simulering av trafikk på tårnsimulator i Oslo - det var en artikkel på Flightsim.no om det for noen uker siden.


Og etter å ha kjørt trafikk på Ørlandet ble jeg bitt av basillen på militær trafikk :D


Jeg ble tent på ideén om å fly i formasjon på simmen - det er en ting jeg gjerne har lyst til å gjøre mer. Takk for tipsene om F-16 sim :)

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