Da var nok en oppdatering klar for nedlastning for FS2Crew. Denne gangen for PMDG 737 Reboot. Denne er nå oppdatert til versjon 3.1.
Dette er nytt:
1. ‘ATC Client Xponder‘ Config Option state will now save properly. Previously it would reset if you press the CFG button.
2. Per user request, you can now toggle the SECONDARY PANEL via a hotkey or joystick button. Assign a button to: NITROUS TANK VALVE TOGGLE.
3. Slight pause fixed after calling for the Secure Checklist.
4. Eliminated that possibility the “Master Caution – Hydraulics” could play in SOP3 during Engine Start with Emergencies enabled.
5. If SOFT or HARD MUTE active, Green Bar will no longer appear on the screen when speech is detected <- THIS ONE IS SIGNIFICANT.
6. Flap Movement Check option fixed.
7. Global Voice Set (UK Voice Set 2) “Landing Checklist” sound fixed.
8. If using the spoiler to trigger the After Landing Flow, the new minimum ground speed to trigger the flow is 50 knots up from 20.
9. New CFG option to disable the FO’s timer during Engine Start. A user reported he experienced the occasional CTD during Engine Start. We linked it to the 737’s FO’s timer. If it’s ever an issue for your, just disable this option.
For å laste ned denne oppdateringen må du logge deg inn på kontoen din hos fs2crew.com og laste ned nytt installasjonsprogram. I samme slengen kan vi også nevne at en egen FO Voicepack er tilgjengelig for PMDG 737 Reboot. Denne gir deg nye stemmer og aksenter. Spesielt er at det også er et stemmesett fra skandinavia med i pakken.
Pakken inneholder nye stemmer for følgende verdenshjørner:
- North America
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- Italy
- Scandinavia
- Asia
- Spain / Portugal/ Latin America
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